Send Your Prayer Request

These are challenging times.  Send us your prayer request, we will be honoured to stand with you and support you in before the Father.

Friday Night Live

Join us for Friday Night Live Talks with Jorge Sedaca, Executive Director of Chosen People Ministries (Canada) and other staff members and guests.  During these live online interviews of 30-60 minutes, they will cover a wide variety of topics related to Israel, the Bible and Jewish ministry.  Free registration will give you the opportunity to see and hear the discussion and ask questions at the end of the program.

Articles and Blogs

Read our latest articles on Messianic topics such as Jewish holidays, Jewish culture and history, the Jewish roots of Christianity and Jewish evangelism.

Stories of Hope

Jared Younger

Two years ago, Jared received the tragic news that his dad was shot at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. This is the story of how God carried him through life and helped him face his saddest moment.

Do you have a passion to serve God’s chosen people? Here is what you can do!

Visit A Messianic Congregation

Messianic congregations are faith communities that stress the Jewish context of the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah.

Full Time Ministry:

Interested in becoming a full-time ministry worker with us?

Join our Watchmen for Jerusalem Program

Watchmen for Jerusalem is a monthly giving program for Partners of Chosen People Ministries (Canada).